George an interesting read and made me wonder if I can claim watching old Sci-Fi movies and reading my books as CPD. Not being an expert in this area, I wonder how much more safe a completely automatic personal transport device would have to be over a human controlled one. to be acceptable. I also wonder at what point a human becomes so stale that no matter how skilled they were to start with they have lost the ability to deal with the routine, let alone an emergency - thinking of emergencies should there be regular testing of the fall back system - ie the human

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Another interesting read. It is interesting the generational difference in the response to automation failure. The classic example for me was the airliner over Germany that had the wrong co-ordinates programmed in to the auto-pilot , so it took a left rather than a right turn. While the young co-pilot reacted by typing away at the touch screen and battling the various systems, the older pilot, switched the auto-pilot off and swung the plane through 180 degrees on to what he knew was roughly the right track.....then he joined the battle with the systems.

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