Wonderful and interesting read on your latest article.

Re safety reporting on social media platforms, as a long serving safety professional I am an advocate of such measures as a package for safety reporting for the reasons of transparency and immediacy. The downside is of course the abuse side of things which can have false reporting claims, complacency on checks (not to be underestimated on the human factors), security and reputation. There is no real control over this.

Its also resource intensive administratively speaking although most companies now have some form of media review. Sifting and appreciating priority issues from a long list of trivial reports is likely to be a resource requiring qualities above administrators. There is as always a cost to consider.

So a balance is needed on benefit/cost which is a challenge especially with the infrequency of major events (thank goodness) and the recency effect that always has a bearing on such balances. What is the appetite of GB Rail on such matters etc. Unlikely to mandate.

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